The Notre Dame Club of Ausin is participating in Notre Dame’s Global Day of Service again this year.
On Saturday, April 26th, serve with us to bring the love of God to those who are poor and suffering.
The Notre Dame Club of Austin is partnering again with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Diocesan Council of Austin to serve those in need at their Food Pantry and Thrift Store. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
We are offering multiple shifts to allow ND/SMC/Holy Cross volunteers to find the time and activities which may be the best fit for them.
Volunteers* should wear comfortable clothes that are OK to get dirty and ALL must wear sturdy CLOSE-TOED shoes. (*Youth ages 11-17 are welcome to volunteer with a parent or adult guardian.)
To see shift options and to RSVP for a volunteer shift slot, please do so here: https://app.betterunite.com/notredameclubofaustin-ndglobaldayofservice2025-austintx