The same folks who brought you the amazing bus ride up to Dallas for the 2018 Cotton Bowl are putting together a stress free travel experience for the 2024 season opener against Texas A&M with an optional discounted tailgate ticket.
Here is what is included:
- Bus ride from Austin at 12:00 PM from 5900 E Ben White Blvd, Austin, TX 78741 and there is plenty of parking and we will hire security to watch our cars. We will park at Reed Arena and leave 1 hour after the game ends
- We will provide food and refreshing beverages for fans of all ages on the bus ride, including sandwiches before we depart and pizza before we leave College Station
- The opportunity to buy discounted tickets to the official ND Tailgate located on the Aggie Spirit Lawn directly across from the stadium. It will include food, beverages for all ages and cooling zones. More details can be found here: https://houston.undclub.org/events/88630
- If you buy a tailgate ticket you are automatically entered into a raffle to win 2 tickets to the game
Ticket Options: Please note that prices will increase after July 31st and all sales are final.
- Option 1: Just the bus ride! $100 for club members and $140 for non-club members
- Option 2: Bus + tailgate (pre-game only): $240 for club members and $280 for non-club members
- Option 3: Bus + game watch and after party: $215 for club members and $255 for non-club members
- Option 4: Bus + all access (tailgate, game watch and after party): $340 for club members and $380 for non-club members
Purchase tickets for Bus and Tailgate packages here: https://betterunite.com/notredameclubofaustin-ndclubofaustinbusandtailgatepackages-ndfootballtexasam
If you are not a dues paying club member, you can join the club here: https://ndclubofaustin.com/membership/
If you have questions regarding the Bus + Tailgate packages, please contact Chris Manuel at [email protected]
Go Irish!