Notre Dame Club of Austin was awarded 2 awards from the NDAA for 2023!
2023 Special Citation winner

We’d like to thank Valerie Alonzo, our Regional Director, for this recognition.
Congratulations to the Notre Dame Club of Austin! You have been awarded a Special Citation from the Notre Dame Alumni Association for energizing the ND Austin family to attend successful, inclusive events, and rebuilding your efforts to communicate with members and students. Austin is back! Your service to your community makes the Notre Dame family even stronger. Thank you!
Thanks to all our Austin area club members, alumni, family and friends that came out to all our events over the last year. And special thank you to the NDCoA leadership team for helping us achieve this designation!
2023 Notre Dame Women Connect Award

Congratulations to the Notre Dame Club of Austin on your outstanding NDWC programming! You had the most NDWC events in the region and you supported NDWC national initiatives. We love seeing how inclusive your club is every year and you continue to make alumnae feel welcome!
Special shout out to Nancy Carrales for planning and leading all our ND Women Connect events for NDCoA over the last few years!