Come join the ND Club of Austin on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at County Line on the Hill at 6:30 pm for ND Night with Carol MullaneyEnjoy the evening hearing from Carol Mullaney
Carol Mullaney is the senior director in the Office of the President, who focuses on operations of the University’s Board of Trustees; leads high-impact, strategic projects; manages and coordinates major University-wide events; and provides critical support to the President’s Leadership Council. In 2022, she co-led the University-wide celebration of the 50th anniversary of the admission of undergraduate women in 1972, entitled “Golden is Thy Fame.”
Space is limited for the evening and the cost for the evening event is $50 per person. This cost covers dinner, non-alcoholic beverages, and event space. Any additional beverages will be on attendees.
To purchase tickets and RSVP please go here: https://betterunite.com/notredameclubofaustin-undnightwithcarolmullaney
Where: The County Line | 6500 Bee Cave Rd | Austin, TX 78746 (we will be located in a private room reserved for us)
Time: 6:30 pm for arrival. We will begin at 7:00 pm with an intro/prayer, food will be served, and then the presentation by Carol to begin around 7:45 pm. The event will conclude by 9:30 pm at the latest.
Food for the evening will be BBQ, but there will also be vegetarian and pescatarian options.