ND Club of Austin is excited and gearing up for the 2023 Notre Dame Football Season!
This year, we’re looking to have Football Game Watches at 2 locations.
B.D. Riley’s in Mueller area and Kelly’s Irish Pub on Oltorf (near 1st). We’re still working out all the details, dates, and times for each of the games this season, so stay tuned for more details. Both locations are family-friendly.
For this year’s game watches, we are looking for some co-captain volunteers to help out at each of the game watch locations (either rotating the locations or one location). Game Watch volunteers are there to welcome NDATX family and friends to the location, build up camaraderie for those in attendance, and liaise with the NDATX leadership team in making sure the venue has TVs/Sound going at the right time. If interested, please contact [email protected].