“On behalf of the Notre Dame Club of Austin leadership team, we have decided to cancel all club activities until we know more about the Coronavirus. Our priority is the safety of our students, alumni, family, friends, and the surrounding Austin community. We will continue to update you through our newsletter and social media outlets. It has also been decided that our leadership meetings will be conducted virtually until we receive updates from campus and the World Health Organization around the stability of this virus.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and we look forward to celebrating with you all in person very soon. We encourage you to continue to stay engaged virtually through ThinkND, FaithND, and the NDWC Shared Reading activity.
We pray for the health of our club members, the community, and those affected by this virus around the world. Please continue to practice good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, doing your best to avoid touching your face, and staying in if you are not feeling well.
God Bless and Go Irish!”
~ Lisa Gutilla – President, Notre Dame Club of Austin